Oct 7, 2013

What and When to Eat Before a Workout

I covered what to eat after a workout (here), but what about before? I often get asked this questions as many people who eat before a workout and feel slow and sluggish, while others skip food before exercise and feel light headed. Seems like a catch 22.

It is important to nourish your body before exercise. After all, if food is fuel, we need a boost to get us through the most physically strenuous part of our day.

Basically, our body needs carbohydrates before a workout. I know, you're trying to loose weight and you decided that cutting carbs and exercising was the best way to do that. But, you're going too need some quick energy to get you through your workout. Quick energy = carbs.

Try to consume one of the following recommendations at least 20 minutes before your next workout:

  • Apple & Nut Butter
  • Green Juice or Smoothie (Like this one)
  • Oatmeal & Berries
  • Rice Cakes (here are my fav combos)
  • Healthy Cookies (recipe found here)

With that being said, everyone is different. If I'm working out in the early AM, sometimes I don't have time to eat before I rush to the studio. A few sips of coffee and a hand full of almonds can keep me going until about 9am.

However, consider the intensity of your workout. I generally teach a lower intensity class in the morning and can usually get by with a hand full of almonds and a few sips of coffee. On the other hand, for my afternoon high intensity classes I always make sure to have a green juice or shake before.

Consider the intensity of your workout. The more intense, the more fuel you're going to need. Just make sure it's the right kind of fuel. Anything with too much protein or fat could weigh you down. Stay  fit, babes xo

PS. I want to hear from you! What do you want to hear about in the next post? What about your next exercise?

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